Number | | Title |
#828 |  | Operation Stealth (James Bond): Stealth Affair (1990), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#1625 |  | Fade To Black (US), komplett/complete |
#1911 |  | Another World (FR), komplett/complete |
#1880 |  | Operation Stealth (Secret Defense) (a.k.a.The Stealth Affair): yellow (FR) |
#1024 |  | Future Wars, (wieder?) eingeschweiît/(re?)-shrinkwrapped (US), komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, fast neu/near mint |
#950 |  | Cruise For A Corpse, fast neu/near mint |
#2314 |  | Croisière Pour Un Cadavre (Cruise For A Corpse) (FR), komplett/complete |
#2313 |  | Croisière Pour Un Cadavre (Cruise For A Corpse) (FR), komplett/complete |
#2148 |  | Future Wars: Time Travellers (FR), komplett/complete |
#2405 |  | Voyageurs Du Temps (Future Wars) (FR), komplett/complete |
#2122 |  | Fade to Black Making of Video |
#3096 |  | Another World (FR), komplett/complete, fast neu/near mint |
#3163 |  | Flashback (DE), komplett/complete |
#881 |  | Strike Commander (US), komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint |
#1793 |  | Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe Software Toolworks (US), komplett/complete |
#1909 |  | Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe Software Toolsworks OEM (US), komplett/complete |
#3070 |  | Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe Software Toolworks (US), komplett/complete |
#1694 |  | Alone In The Dark 1, 2, 3 Trilogy (UK), komplett/complete |
#1807 |  | Privateer Speech Pack (UK), komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped |
#1053 |  | Loom (US Talkie CD), fast neu/near mint |
#1290 |  | King's Quest PCjr grey plastic box (1984), OVP/Boxed |
#1260 |  | King's Quest PCjr grey plastic box (1984), OVP/Boxed |
#2012 |  | The Search For Cetus (US), komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint |
#1968 |  | Eco Quest 2: Lost Secret Of The Rainforest |
#2145 |  | Indy II: Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom, komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, wie neu/near mint, fast neu/near mint |
#313 |  | Hero's Quest I, Original! 1989 |
#1800 |  | Quest For Glory I, So You Want To Be A Hero (US) |
#2271 |  | Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion (US), komplett/complete |
#2416 |  | LucasArts Archives Vol. II (US), komplett/complete |
#915 |  | King's Quest II (grey box): Romancing the Throne (1985), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#1535 |  | King's Quest II: Romancing The Throne GREY BOX (1985), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#3145 |  | King's Quest II (grey box): Romancing the Throne |
#1939 |  | The Lost Treasures Of Infocom I, 20 Games/MIB, komplett/complete |
#1977 |  | Fooblitzky (1985), OVP/Boxed |
#1630 |  | Wing Commander (Talkie CD), wie neu/near mint |
#799 |  | Jinxter (1987), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint |
#4000 |  | Märklin Spur Z, 11 Lokomotiven, 44 Waggons, 13 Gebäude, etc. |
#3149 |  | King's Quest I AGI: Quest For The Crown IBM Release (1984) (EGA), OVP/Boxed |
#973 |  | The Bard's Tale Fold Out Cover (1985), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#1008 |  | Tomb Raider Collection 1, 2, 3, 4 Triangle Boxes (US), komplett/complete |
#1072 |  | Jagged Alliance 2, VGC (US), komplett/complete |
#1482 |  | Tomb Raider 2 Triangle Box (US), komplett/complete |
#1602 |  | Tomb Raider Triangle Box (US), komplett/complete |
#1604 |  | Tomb Raider 3 Triangle Box (US), komplett/complete |
#1651 |  | Tomb Raider 3 Triangle Box, versiegelt/sealed (US), komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint |
#1695 |  | Robosport, fast neu/near (UK), komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint, fast neu/near mint |
#1699 |  | Tomb Raider Triangle Box (US), komplett/complete |
#1605 |  | Tomb Raider The Last Revelation (US), komplett/complete |
#1007 |  | World Games (1986) (US), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#2404 |  | Cadaver - The Payoff, komplett/complete |
#2150 |  | Sim City Terrain Editor, komplett/complete |
#3128 |  | Cadaver - The Payoff, komplett/complete |
#3144 |  | Grand Prix Circuit, komplett/complete |
#2165 |  | Monkey Island 4: Escape From Monkey Island (US), komplett/complete |
#934 |  | Indy III ACTION GAME + NEWSPAPER: Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (US), fast neu/near mint |
#1982 |  | Indy III: Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, wie neu/near mint |
#914 |  | King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human GREY BOX (1986), OVP/Boxed |
#3099 |  | Indiana Jones and the Lost Kingdom |
#1481 |  | The Guild Of Thieves, (1987), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#1011 |  | Orion Burger (US), komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, wie neu/near mint |
#832 |  | Sorcerian, komplett/complete |
#3101 |  | Half-Life 2 US Special Edition Black Box, komplett/complete, fast neu/near mint |
#3131 | | Ween (FR), eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, wie neu/near mint |
#1599 |  | Leisure Suit Larry VII: Love For Sail (DE) |
#1726 |  | Wing Commander III (DE), komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint |
#2272 |  | Wing Commander III Special/Limited/Premiere Edition (US) |
#1810 |  | Space Quest III: The Pirates Of Pestulon (1989) (DE), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#946 |  | The Pawn, wie neu/near mint |
#280 |  | Chippendale Eßzimmermöbel, Nußbaum antik, Modell Schönbrunn, wie neu/near mint |
#1001 |  | X-COM UFO Defense (US), komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, wie neu/near mint |
#1060 |  | X-COM Apocalypse (UK) |
#1084 |  | Laser Squad (EU) |
#1091 |  | UFO: Enemy Unknown (UK), komplett/complete |
#1088 |  | X-COM Terror From The Deep (AU), komplett/complete, wie neu/near mint |
#1908 |  | The Black Cauldron, 1st release fold-out box (1985), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped |
#3130 |  | Monkey Island Bounty Pack, komplett/complete |
#971 |  | Toonstruck (US), komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped |
#817 |  | Discworld Noir (UK) |
#3164 |  | Fish!, (1988) (UK), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#1461 |  | Populous (US), komplett/complete |
#1507 |  | Syndicate: American Revolt (US), komplett/complete |
#1529 |  | Populous 2 (US), wie neu/near mint |
#1752 |  | Syndicate (DE), wie neu/near mint, fast neu/near mint |
#1856 |  | Populous 2 (US), wie neu/near mint |
#1751 |  | Syndicate: American Revolt (UK), wie neu/near mint, fast neu/near mint |
#2054 |  | Populous World Editor (1989), OVP/Boxed |
#1938 |  | Syndicate: American Revolt (DE), wie neu/near mint, fast neu/near mint |
#2319 |  | Populous World Editor (1989), OVP/Boxed |
#767 |  | Indy IV + Hintbook: Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis (1992) (US), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#874 |  | Indy IV: Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis ACTION GAME (1992), OVP/Boxed, wie neu/near mint |
#3109 |  | Indy IV (Japan): Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis (Japanese) (1992), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped |