Number | | Title |
#1768 |  | The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy REDO (1984), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#333 |  | Return To Zork: The Official Guide To The Great Underground Empire |
#1423 |  | Suspended, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, wie neu/near mint |
#1849 |  | Spellbreaker InvisiClues |
#1934 |  | Enchanter Manual |
#1803 |  | Hollywood HiJinx (1986), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete |
#1070 |  | Ballyhoo, VGC |
#1939 |  | The Lost Treasures Of Infocom I, 20 Games/MIB, komplett/complete |
#1977 |  | Fooblitzky (1985), OVP/Boxed |
#1291 |  | Zork 3 |