Number Title
#752Operation Stealth (James Bond): Stealth Affair (1990), OVP/Boxed
#828Operation Stealth (James Bond): Stealth Affair (1990), OVP/Boxed, komplett/complete
#952Cruise For A Corpse
#1625Fade To Black (US), komplett/complete
#1911Another World (FR), komplett/complete
#1880Operation Stealth (Secret Defense) (a.k.a.The Stealth Affair): yellow (FR)
#1965Out Of This World (Another World)/near (US), wie neu/near mint
#1967Delphine Classic Adventure Collection (UK), komplett/complete
#1521Future Wars (US) (US)
#1024Future Wars, (wieder?) eingeschweiît/(re?)-shrinkwrapped (US), komplett/complete, eingeschweißt/shrinkwrapped, fast neu/near mint
#950Cruise For A Corpse, fast neu/near mint
#2314Croisière Pour Un Cadavre (Cruise For A Corpse) (FR), komplett/complete
#2313Croisière Pour Un Cadavre (Cruise For A Corpse) (FR), komplett/complete
#2148Future Wars: Time Travellers (FR), komplett/complete
#2403Operation Stealth (UK)
#2406Future Wars Soundtrack/OST (UK)
#2405Voyageurs Du Temps (Future Wars) (FR), komplett/complete
#2413The Stealth Affair (a.k.a. Operation Stealth) (Edition) (US), komplett/complete, fast neu/near mint
#1728Cruise For A Corpse
#2122Fade to Black Making of Video
#3096Another World (FR), komplett/complete, fast neu/near mint
#3163Flashback (DE), komplett/complete
Please note that all prices in USD and GBP are just an orientation for foreign buyers. The actual price in that currency is determined by the current day's exchange rate.