I reworked the design a bit (less color), decided to add an imprint, and removed some little used sections from the website.
With eBay disallowing private sellers to keep shops, I had to close mine about a year ago. I will still use eBay for selling/trading games in order to offer a safe transaction, but with the fees becoming exorbitantly high outside of shops I will be listing little to nothing on my own.
I also had opened a GameTZ account a while ago. No trades yet, mostly due to the fact that the descriptions there are insufficient in detail for my taste. A few attempts to actually trade failed because, after finding out those details, I found out that the games were not what I was looking for.
It's been quite some time since I had time to something here. Now I at least had time to update my wanted list and slim it down a bit (not too much, unfortunately). I also changed the e-mail addresses to counter my ever-increasing spam-problem.
Altough I have no idea how many people visit this site, but I'll try this anyway.
I recently learned that the French producer and publisher Delphine Software seems to have made upgraded editions of some of their adventure games for PC. There is a VGA version of both Operation Stealth and The Stealth Affair and supposedly a talkie version of Cruise for a Corpse. However, I was not able to determine how these were published. I searched the Internet for a comprehensive Delphine Software fansite, but couldn't find any. All box variations of all these games that I have are 16-color EGA and text-only, respectively. The back of the box of Operation Stealth mentions 256 colors for PC, but the system requirements sticker says otherwise and floppy disk comply with this. In addition there are a few of so-called 'remastered' CD-only editions on eBay; the information provided is not very comprehensive, though, and the sellers did not reply to my inquiries.
So I am turning faithfully to the occasional visitor of my site for help. If anybody has any information regarding this subject, I would appreciate if you contacted me.
The shop seems to do better every day. I also think the eBay links on this site should always point to a resonable auction (i.e. running or the last terminated one if the item was relisted). I have some new games (Sierra/Disney and Orion Burger (US), shrinkwrapped!
I just opened an eBay shop . This should make it considerably easier for anyone to buy games from me.
Today I found out that the German Postal Service once more decided to increase their prices. Oh Happy New Year :-(
A Happy New Year to all the everyone!
I've started a couple of
New games
New games
As of today, I have changed my webhosting provider.
Puretec, despite its reliability, had just become too expensive over the years.
So I am giving the relatively new and upcoming company
Neue Medien Münnich
a shot.
So far a very pleasant experience (although the configuration interface is still very ... Spartan).
If you decide this is the new provider for you, let them know I sent you
(please use 'www.sciencefictionadventure.com' as this is the domain where vintagegames.net is the actual domain).
Small design update. Some new games but currently without any pictures.
A design update, which was quite easy thanks to CSS. Some new (or should I say old?) games are also to be up for sale quite soon.
A lot of new games and one more shipping cost update (the postal service really keeps it interesting ;-)
For the next two weeks I won't be able to respond to any e-mails. I promise to answer them all upon my return.
I've finally gotten round to starting a few auctions. I have more games that the ones listed, though. If you are looking for similar games or other versions, just e-mail me.
Up and running.
Update. First internet upload. Still preliminary, though. Sipping rates are not yet verified. All the games that have links in the sales section are available upon request.
Preliminary version.